What people don't know and understand is that makeup has the power to do a lot of things, and one of those things is to make your lips appear bigger. Girls- if you want bigger lips, outline your lips with lip liner before you put on lipstick. Outlining your lips will make it appear bigger than they actually are. Kylie admits to using this trick to make her lips look the way they do, but I'm calling bs. There's no way you can make:
into this:
As much as she is telling everyone that she didn't get surgery, she did. Personally I think it's dumb that she's denying accusations of lip surgery because it's obvious she did and with her denying it makes her look bad. If I had the money for surgery to change something that I hate about myself, I would, and same with all the people hating on her for getting one. On one of her vines she said something about people accusing her of the surgery and she made a comment that proved it to be true.
Don't get me wrong, I do like her new lips, however I think she may have made them too big for her face, or maybe she just pouts a lot. For the longest time I was insecure of my own lips and I thought mine were too big and ugly but with the Kylie Jenner Challenge, I've started to like my lips.
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