Sunday, March 29, 2015

Plane Tickets

From my research looking for tickets to California that are affordable to a high school student, I found super cheap, round trip, tickets that were $200-$300. There's an airline named Allegiant that has really cheap plane tickets, and not only to California but to other places as well. I told my mom about this airline, however she already knew about it and told me she used that airline when she went to Las Vegas and it was only about $100 for her round trip ticket.

For some reason if you were to fly on June 28 and come back on July 8, the price including tax is only $259 ( which is pretty cheap considering the price for gas is steadily rising. Plus not a lot of people like to spend about three days driving which is how long it would take if I were to drive to California, not to mention that three days is how long it would take one way, going back would be another three days leaving only a couple of days actually in California.

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