Sunday, February 1, 2015


Marcus Hopson, also known as Hopsin, is, in my opinion, the best rapper out there. His lyrics actually means something, instead of rapping about sex, drugs and alcohol, Hopsin raps about life and how there's more to life than those three things that almost every other rapper raps about.

The first time I ever heard a Hopsin song was about a year ago, and the song was called 'Good Guys Get Left Behind' from his Knock Madness album. I remember it as if it happened yesterday. Bez and I were in English class after having Gym first block, and we were both listening to music instead of reading MacBeth. She puts one of her earbuds in my ear and tells me to "listen to this song". I was a bit skeptic of him because he does swear in all of his songs, and his enthusiasm may, at times, be scary, however lyrically is amazing so I had to further stalk him. I later learned the whole rap to 'Ill Mind of Hopsin 5' for Bez's birthday and felt like the next Nicki Minaj.

His songs range from yelling angrily, or calmly roasting people. It's great to just listen to him if you're having a rough day because there's a high chance that he will comfort you in some shape or form. A really good example of him getting too passionate is in 'Ill Mind of Hopsin 7' *Disclaimer: he swears a lot*. However the content of his songs are purely great and means something.

A couple weeks ago Hopsin said he was quitting rap to move to Australia to be with his girlfriend, and because he felt as if the "music industry is trash" which he later posted a video saying it was all a joke and that he wouldn't quit rap AND he's releasing a new album! :)

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